as usual, my room is a mess.
i seem to have a highly scientific and well-designed plan of throwing clothes on the floor. clean, dirty, worn, changed out of -- it is a serious situation, and CP will tell you the same. though, despite the chaos that is my clothing situation, i feel that my biggest storage problem is all of my books.

we have two separate bookshelves, one that is a hutch that is quite large, but still her constantly have overflow. with the addition of multiple text books to the mix, our room quickly turns into some disgruntled library full of mcsweeny's, entrepreneurship (mine) and virology (his) text books, the stray us weekly, and those "must-haves" that i can't keep myself from buying as i pass a bookstore. of course, it doesn't matter that i probably have 50 books on my to-read list, i need that one i just saw on jon stewart, or the follow-up to the other one i really liked. oh? a book about cancer? i better get that too. a huge interior design coffee table book -- well, it will be gorgeous on a hypothetically empty coffee table one day.
obviously, it is a problem. i probably need some time of support group for such things. in the meantime, I can just hope that i can get organized.
as a completely visual person, this is my bookshelf goal.
a girl can dream, right?