i'm so good at NOT blogging, it's really a shame that i try and break that cycle.
i need to just take the leap and not put so much pressure on myself to be this awesome blogger, when in reality, i just want to show off fun stuff i find.
i know, i know, we all need another cute notebook like we need a hole in the head, but there is something about this that really strikes me.
firstly, it's nature-y...which, i love. (in my head i'm really nature-y.) as a result, it reminds me of camp, which is always ideal/essential on rough days.
secondly, i feel like it really speaks to how i approach many things in my life. i climb until i see. i have climbed, i do climb, and you damn well know that i'm climbing in my future. and even if you're not to the top, even if the peak seems eons away, the view doesn't seem all bad from here.
thirdly, this notebook reminds me of one of my greatest accomplishments. it also happens to be the inspiration for my hypothetical future tattoo -- which would be the longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates of the peak of mount whitney. i backpacked the west side of whitney with a group of diabetic 16 and 17 year olds in summer 2004. at 14,505 feet, it's the highest peak in the contiguous united states. we did it in ten days, hiking over 110 miles. when we started, my pack weighted nearly 90 pounds, and i think it was the sixth time i had ever backpacked. not too shabby, eh? it was truly one of those "i'm just flattered to have been asked [to be staff on this trip]" moments. it was so much fun, and so challenging, and an experience i look forward to repeating. soon.
when cancer is over, i'm doing it again.
so, here it is...the hypothetical tattoo:
36 34'42.9 N
118 17'31.2 W
it will be in honor of past accomplishments and future goals.
now i just need to figure out all those "minor" details including how to get over my crippling fear of needles and whether or not i want to commit to something for the rest of my life.
man, for a notebook that's only $6, i've done a really good job of justifying the purchase.
(the website for the parent company, compendium, has some really cute books and paper goods on it.)