Monday, May 31, 2010

flicker of the campfire.

well, it's official. summer 2010 is upon us and i could not be more excited.

this summer, i'm headed up to bearskin meadow camp for the 19th year.

when i was 16 & 17, i was a counselor-in-training at bearskin and can confidently say that it was one of the most impactful experiences of my life. those two summers influenced me to challenge myself and better my life through friendships, teamwork and leadership. it lead to my employment for six of the past seven summers, college admissions, an internship and experiences i never would have pursued otherwise. most significantly, my experience at camp has led to some of the most meaningful relationships i have ever had.

i could not be happier to say that i will be returning this summer. i was offered the position of leader-in-training (the updated cit program) coordinator, and i immediately knew that i had to take the position. it has been my dream since i was 16 to be able to influence teens the way my cit coordinators influenced me (thank you jeff, suzy and tracy). with careful medical schedule planning, and perfect timing for MM & TM's wedding, i was able to make it work. none of it will be easy. i have been interviewing teens for the past few weeks, and the expectations are high. more than anything, my expectations for the program are the ones i have to worry about. because this program has made such a difference in my life, i want it to mean the same thing to the participants.

i will have to take a break at some point during a session to come down the hill to get treatment back here in the city. knowing that, i told JG (my camp boss and previous fellow 2001/2002 cit) that i will need strong support staff that i can rely on when i have to return to the real world for 36 hours. luckily for me, after nearly 5 years, i have reunited with EW, a dear friend from my first summer as cit. i am so happy to have him back in my life, and the even better news is that he has decided to work the program with me, and "inspire the next generation of us" as he likes to say.

i am incredibly excited to spend six weeks of my summer in kings canyon national park and at the place that i will always be able to call home.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


so, today, while cruisin' around etsy (as i so often do on lazy afternoons), i found this most adorable of sellers, and these cute, cute bags.

found on etsy.

i'm not usually one to go the nautical route - often a little to east coast for this left coast gal - but between the bold yellow color (she also does navy, red, and green), and the over-exaggerated rope handle, i'm kind of in love.

i will be the first to admit, i have a certain addiction to tote bags. i easily own more than 15 totes and rarely have a use for them. i am hoping that summer will bring more opportunity, especially if i'm going to try and justify a cute, new striped one.
(i don't think have a yellow one yet!)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


so close, yet so far.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


i. absolutely. love. these.
i have no idea where they would fit into my life, both physically and aesthetically, but i think there is something so entrancing about them.

also, i'm sure that my rather colorful book collection would not too nearly as chic as the white and grey palette they have going.

you can find more gorgeousness here. god damn. love those italians.

found on splendora.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

great american grump out day.

being a grump is not my scene. though, if it were, i would make sure to not be a
grump on may 5th, great american grump out day.


while i am rarely a grump (in my own humble opinion), i do have a special affinity for pouting. luckily, i am not only aware of it, but I am very willing to admit it. frequently while pouting over the phone or via text or email, i will make sure to let all parties involved that my lower lip has made its way out from beneath my top lip.

does it achieve anything? i doubt it. but hey, sometimes a girl just needs a good pout.